1. Title of the project:
Project Proposal for a Vocational Tailoring and Embroidery training center for HIV/AIDS infected widows and Orphan girls.
2. Applicant:
Name and address of the local person that is responsible for the project and its implementation:
Name: Pater Raja
Status: Chairman
Adresse: Mylavaram Post – 516 439
Kadapa District
Andhra Pradesh State
India (South)
Telefon & Fax: 08560 – 273881
Handy: 0091 944 065 06 19
0091 810 605 80 80
E-Mail: raja_foundation@yahoo.com
Name and address of the project (diocese, parish, congregation, organisation, institution)
Name: Raja Foundation Care and Share Charitable Trust
Adresse: Mylavaram Post – 516 439
Kadapa District
Andhra Pradesh State
India (South)
Telefon & Fax: 08560 – 273881
Handy: 0091 944 065 06 19
0091 810 605 80 81
E-Mail: raja_foundation@yahoo.com
Religios view: catholic
Diocese: Kadapa diocese
Project area Proposed. entire Kadapa district
3. The Organisation and its background
The Raja Foundation Care and Share Charitable Trust
3. a.)
The Foundation in one Minute:
Name: Raja Foundation Care and Share Charitable Trust
Adress: Kona Road, Mylavaram (M) 516 439
Cuddapah (D) A.P. (STATE) India
Vision: win the world through love and service
Mission: working hands are more blessed than praying lips.
Prayer: let all the human beings live in harmony, health and happiness
Religion: Catholic
Chairman: Pater Raja
Year of the Fornation of the Trust: 1998
Registered Number: 15/2002
Date of Registration: 15th February 2002
Tax Exemtion: 12 A 80 G exemtion of Tax relief
Tax Exemtion Refernce Number: H.qrs.No. I(112)/CIT/TPT/06-07
FCRA Number: 010160368
3.b.) The Raja Foundation- detailed Information.
The Raja Foundation is registered legally and officially under the Indian constitution of the Trust Act and Government laws with income tax exemption and the grant of FCRA. It is a non-profit organization and part of the trust of Indian Constitution. The Raja Foundation is located in Andhra Pradesh, the South of India and has its main offices in Prodattur and Mylavaram in the Kadapa District. The trust began its multi developmental activities in 2001 for the integral growth of the poor and illiterate people of God especially remote rural women, Orphan children, the helpless handicapped children, child workers, rape victims,phisically or mentally handicapped people and the Aged people who have nobody to care for. At present the Trust looks after more than 600 people who are scattered in different areas of the remote rural parts of Andhra Pradesh. The goal of the Raja Foundation is to bring joy and happiness into the lives of people in need and to offer them a self-reliant life with dignity. Since the beginning of its service, the Trust has been focusing on social, educational and economic development of the poor, needy and the down trodden especially the women and children. The first and foremost concern of the Trust is to build the self-consciousness and potentialities through social action and awareness programs since most of the people are illiterate and below poverty line.
3. c.) The activities of the Trust:
The Trust supports people in need free of any cost. It is heartbreaking to see aged people being neglected and uncared. The Raja Foundation is looking after these people and provides free meals for those who have nobody to care for. The trust has opened a home for aged people where they find all the love, care and support they deserve. Furthermore the Raja Foundation is providing services to different people in need through the Community Care Centre (CCC). It also includes a Care And Support Centre for Orphans, HIV/AIDS Infected Children Home, Home for people with special needs, Orphan Home for Boys, Orphan Home for Girls and different Programms for HIV/AIDS prevention such as the prevention of Parent to Child Transmission (PPTCT + Out Reach Programm), Pensions Program for PLHIV & CLHIVs. Through these programs the Trust provides free medicines and treatment, food, accommodation, councelling service and recreation facilities to all HIV/AIDS infected people in need of help.
3.d. ) Education:
Education of the poor and needy children and illiterate women is the Principal purpose of the Trust. Feeding, Education and Caring for the Poor and destitude Children in India is the top priority of the Trust which seeks to facilitate caring and sharing for the integral growth of those poor people. For this reason the Raja Foundation has started a College of Education in which per year more than 300 people get a degree and thus are ready for a self.reliant life. Most of the students come from very poor families so the education is offered them for free. Many of these students are also women. Moreover the Raja Foundation includes a Vocational Training Centre for former child Laborors where they are being educated and especially supported so that they can catch up with the knowledge of the others and be sent to school. Furthermore the HIV/AIDS-Infected are offered first class education for free as well as the street children.
Moreover the Raja Foundation built the Pooja International Techno School near Proddatur in the Kadapa district. The since 2008 existing English speaking Pooja international Techno School is a school in which poor and wealthy children go to school and study side by side and learn to overcome caste barriers and work together in order to form India’s future and make India a better place. The school is trying to create a bridge between poor and rich children. It is trying to overcome prejudices and bridge the gaps between rich and poor people. The pupils of wealthy families pay money for their education and thus make it possible for the poor and needy children who cannot afford the school money to go to school without paying for their education. Moreover the wealthy people contribute with their money to the support of Daddy Home. In the school the pupils learn that the dominant way of thinking in India the cast system is not good and that there is only one right way of thinking and one religion: humanity! It does not matter which religion you believe in, what your color of skin, sex, origin or social layer is because all humans are equal and thus should be treated equally.
In the Pooja School in the year 2009/10 altogether 306 children were educated. 143 of them came from very poor farmer families and payed no or very little school money; 157 children had wealthy parents and 6 children came from Daddy Home. In the Pooja School 28 teachers are employed. Each and every one of them is devoting all their time into teaching the children, form their future and give them the opportunity to lead a safe and happy life. The Pooja School employs 12 coworkers who work in the secretariat, the office, the kitchen etc. These people come from very poor families and by working here have been given the opportunity to improve their lives and those of their families immensely. In addition 10 Ayas are employed. Ayas are social workers who look after the well-being of the children and the stuff. The Pooja international techno school moreover employs cooks, cleaning stuff, drivers, farmers, etc. because the school is surrounded by a garden and a farm. The subjects in the school are : Social studies, Natural science ( Biology, Zoology, Physics & Chemistry ), Hindi & Telugu ( our local dialect ), English, Moral/Ethical science, Environmental science and PSR ( Poojaite's social Responsibility ) which works to build a bridge between Daddy Home & Pooja School ( integration of all the religion, caste, creed and cultures) and Humanities. The Pooja School tries to positively change the system in India permanently and deeply so that each child has the opportunity to be educated and is treated equally. Whether boy or girl, high- or low caste every child should have the opportunity to attend school and get a good training.
3. e.) Care Homes:
At present the Raja Foundation includes the folwoing care homes:
Aged home for Help less & Home less.
Home for Orphan Boys.
Home for Orphan Girls.
CSC for HIV/AIDS Infected Children.
(Care and Support Centre)
Home for Street Children.
Vocational Training centre for Child Labor.
Residential Care home for Mentally Retarded people.
3. f.) Services to HIV/AIDS Infected People at Raja Foundation:
Through the community care centre the following services are being provided to HIV/AIDS Infected Adults:
Free treatment and medicines
Free food and shelter
Councelling service to HIV/AIDS victims and their family members
Recreation facilities
Moreover the Foundation has started prevention, testing and immediate aid programmes. At present 13 outreach workers are empoyed at Raja Foundation which travel through Andhra Pradesh, offer free AIDS-tests, support HIV-Infected pregnant women and mothers and offer pention programmes to Infected people. This work includes:
Mobile. ICTC.
(Integrated counseling and Testing Centre for HIV/ Blood test). A nurse, a doctor and a social worker drive through Andhra Pradesh and give help. councelling and offer free testing in order to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and help the Infected people by including them in the pention programmes so that they get the medicines they need as well as healthy nutritous food.
PPTCT Programme + Outreach Programme
(Prevention of parent of child Transmission)
Pension Programme.
(HIV/AIDS Victims and HIV +ve Pregnancies & Mothers.)
3. g.) Help in Numbers through these programmes:
3535 people utilize the outpatient services
1577 utilise the patient service
418 utilise the admitted service on ART
256 utilise the admitted with HIV/TB services
3535 people use councelling service
Note: Approximately 14.000 prople are infected by HIV/AIDS in Kadapa district.
3. h.) Pater Raja and his message:
''It is important to go with open eyes and ears through this world and live with all senses. Do not close your eyes and turn away from the suffering and pain on this earth. We have to support the poorest of the poor, needy and downthrodden people. It makes me happy to help others and make people happy. Please never forget the the gift of life is the greatest gift that god has offered to us. This gift we need to learn to appreciate.''
3. i.) Description of the Area:
Andhra Pradesh is a State in South India which includes an area of 275.045 km² .79.733.367 people are living in Andhra Pradeh. The capital city is Hyderabad and the native language is Telugu. Mylavaram the village next to which the Orphanage, Daddy Home, was built lies in the so called Rayalaseema region (land of the stones) in the Kadapa Ditrict.
3. j. ) Climate:
The climate in AP is tropical. The temperatures can rise up to 55 ° Celcius. The dry area supports droughts. It rains only in the three months of the monsun. Throughout the rest of the year there are no rainfalls.
3. k.) The People:
India is the biggest democracy in the world. Most of the people life in traditional rural areas ( more than 80%) and thus do not benefit from the modernisation and economic growth of the nation.
3. l. ) Kadapa-problem analysis:
The Kadapa district the state in which the Raja Foundation is located consists mostly of small villages. In these villages because of the climate the only possible work is farming and gardening.It is a very dry area with very little rain falls. It is raining only in the three months of Monsun. Therefore the earth is very, very dry and the farmers have only one crop a year. Only during these three months the villagers have work. For the rest 9 months of the year they have no work and their day consists of a constant fight for survival. More than 60% of the inhabitants belong to the lowest casts and work in total dependence of those who are wealthier. The illiteracy rate is very high and going to school is a privilege. Moreover the people are nmot aware of the HIV/AIDS problem and if they do not know how to protect themselves and simply neclect the infected because they think that HIV/AIDS can spread only by touching someone. They have not been taught about the prevention and the details of HIV/AIDS. Moreover the hygienical standards are not good and medical aid is only very rare. Due to the poverty and lack of work many people travel to the city in order to find work. There most of them have sexuial contacts without protection and thus the virus is spread because they than bring it back to their families and children.
Due to this reasons Pater Raja decided to build the Raja Foundation, daddy Home and Poojs International Techno School in this poor dry and hot area in order to try and solve the problem at its roots and not only fight the outcome. Moreover so that the poor,needy and downthrodden have someone who cares for them and so that the farmer children have the opportunity to gain a proper education and thus escape poverty. By attending school the in south India wide spread child labor is avoided. Only with a good education the children have the opportunity to escape poverty and bring progress and varieties into their villages. At the same time they bring security and education, since they know how to read and write they can teach others to do so and thus the villagers have more job varieties. Besides the farm work and the gardening they can now become teachers, butchers, bakers etc. By this the situation of the whole village improves and they make a big step away from poverty and towards wealth, progress and security. I think that this is the only way to really help the poor and needy villagers and give them the long term opportunity to help themselves without depending on others.
4. Raja Foundations contribution to the spread of Christianity.
90% of the indian population are Hindus, 7% are Muslims and only three percent are Christians. Among these three percent about 1.5 are Katholics and about 1.5 % are Protestants. Pater Raja the fonder and chairman of the Raja Foundation is a catholic priest. Because he is following the rules and principles of his religion namely that all people are equal everyone is being admitted in his orphanage,school or other project. It does not matter to Pater Raja which religion a person belongs to because for him humanity counts. But the Hindus,Muslims and Sikhs now have the one time opportunity to expüerience and learn about Christianity. The human and moral values of christianity are being brought closer to them. Moreover they attend masses regularily,read the bible and learn Christian chants and songs. Furthermore they take part and experience Christman,Easter and all the other Christian festivals because they are celebrated in the Raja Foundation. Many people start believing in god and become Christians. This is why the Raja Foundation is taking a lead role in spreading Christianity in India.
5. The need of the Project:
There are many young widows in the Kadapa dsitrict whos husbands have died from the HI-Virus. Most of these women face immendse discrimination and insults. They are not accepted by the society anymore, are thrown out of their homes and sent away. Infected women, especially widows will not be able to find a job and thus they cannot make a living, support their children and themselves.Without the support of the family,financial income and money for proper nutritous food and medication or the education and needs of their children these women struggle for survival.
Another problem is that due to the dowry system some of the poor parents are unable to arrange a marriage for their daughters. These grown-up girls have become a burning problem for the parents. They can’t afford to send them for higher studies nor get them married. This is the common scenario in most of the villages in Kadapa district
Through a survey in the rural Kadapa district Raja Foundation has come to know these shocking realities. The Foundation has started to think in what way it can help above mentioned unfortunate HIV infected widows and unemployed young girls who belong to weaker sections of the society. The best solution that has come to the mind of the workers of Raja foundation is to make them SELF RELIENT, so that they can live their lifes with human dignity and provide proper medication, nutritious food, and shelter to their infected innocent children. In the case of grown-up young girls this vocational course will help them to earn their daily bread. We have a good heart and plans to help these unfortunate people, but unfortunately we have no financial resources to meet the needs of these people. If you can kindly extend your cooperation and financial help we will be able to help 50 unfortunate women in a year. We wish to continue this project for three years, helping 150 members directly. Moreover around 600 members of their families will benefit indirectly from this project.
We assure that we will take up this project with sincere commitment and dedication thus we will be able to run it successfully. Furthermore we will be in touch with you and sent you the update progress report of the project periodically.
6.Social- economic and Cultural background of the target group
For many centuries women in India have been treated as second class citizens. Manu – a famous Law maker in ancient India wrote a famous Law book named Manu-Dhramasastra ( =the Law of Manu). According to that book women and men are not equal. Theyx should for example not appear in public when a group of men are gathered. On the whole they are limited only to the kitchen, and Bedroom. This tradition went on for generations generations. Women have no education, no public contacts .Superstitions have played a vital role in their lives. Child marriages were encouraged.
But the situation has changed after Independence in1947. Slowly the girl child education has been encouraged. Some of the women have come up on national and International level and brought recognition to themselves and to the nation in the fields of science, politics .etc... Mrs. Indiragandhi, Mother Theresa are some examples.
Even though times are better not much happiness has come into their lives. According to statistics of UNAIDS -2008 around the 3, 30, 40,000 HIV/AIDS infected people are around the world, among them 1, 50, 70,000 are women. This clearly shows that half of the HIV/AIDS infected people are women. How did they get it? Mostly it is transmitted by their spouses.
According to the surveys 39, 00,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS in India. Among them 5, 50,000 estimated people are living in Andhra Pradesh. The literacy percentage of the targeted group is very low. Most of them are daily laborers. Ignorance is the main fact of their lives. Most of them live in remote rural areas where there is no proper medication or transport facilities in order to go to a better hospital.
Kadapa district is in no way better than the other districts in the State of Andhra Pradesh. In fact it is the area who is hit the worst by several severe famines. It’s a drought prone area. The average rainfall in this area is 656mm. per year. There is acute drinking water problem throughout the district.
The female literacy is very low due to poverty and because of the dowry system. Many poor parents arrange child marriages. They give their daughters to elderly people in second marriage by the time the girl comes to the puberty her husband becomes old and there starts the crises in the family life. Sometimes people are forced to migrate to towns in search of work, where they come in contact with sex workers and become source of transmission of the dreadful HIV/AIDS. The poor innocent house wives become prey to it.
According to the latest statistics there are more than 12,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in Kadapa district. Half of them are women, apart from 500 innocent children being infected. Many women for no fault of theirs are being harassed by their husbands, In-laws and by their own family members because they are HIV infected. In some cases they are literally pushed out from their homes. The society looks down and tries to exploit them. The government of Andhra Pradesh could supply the needed medicines through ART centers. No other help is being given to them. Some of the young widows being infected are forced to resign from their Jobs. Some times their children are thrown out of the schools and Hostels. There is a lot of discrimination.
7. The Need of the hour
Taking into consideration the above mentioned factors Raja foundation has come forward to support of the poor infected women who are being harassed and thrown out of their Homes. Young widows whose husbands have died due to HIV/AIDS are given shelter and education and thus make it possible for them to stand on their own legs with a degree and many job opportunities. The need of hour is to make them self reliant, by making them financially sound. We are sorry to say that we have no financial resources to meet their required needs. If some generous people like you would come forward to strengthen our hands we are ready to start self-reliant courses like tailoring Embroidery etc. for these unfortunate widows and poor educated unemployed girls.
Raja foundation wishes to conduct short term training courses lasting 6 months for each batch. Two batches will be trained per year.Each batch will consist of 15 HIV infected widows and 10 unmarried young girls.Per year 50 members will get training in Tailoring and embroidery.Once the training period is over Raja foundation will issue a course certificate and a sewing machine to each of them.Once a vocational certificate and a sewing machine is in their hands the morale of these unfortunate people will raise their self confidence will increase. Now they will be ready to stand on their own legs by earning their daily bread through their hard work. With the help of the sewing machine and embroidery work each woman can earn around 200 to 300 Rs (3.5 Euros to 5 Euros day). This will be more than sufficient to maintain their families and educate their children.
8.Benefits expected from this project :
8. a.) Short term Benefits:
50 infected and orphan young ladies will be directly benefitet and around 200 family members will benefit indirectly per year.
Self confidence will improve.
By attending awareness camps conducted by Raja foundation they will improve the leadership qualities.
They will be freed from discrimination and insults.
They can afford to give nutritious food to their children.
Due to the Training camps and awareness camps they get acquaintance with different types of people and it will influence their life style.
The competitive spirit will improve in them.
A quest to know more about the society and the work which they are doing will increase.
Sense of commitment and punctuality will improve.
8. b.) Long term Benefits:
They become Self Reliant, and financially sound.
They can plan for the bright future of their children.
They can live with self respect and dignity.
They will gain self respect in the society
They will have better access to medication, food, cloths and shelter.
They will be in a position to come out of certain social levels like the dowry system and child marriage.
They will have a chance to live a happy and peaceful life.
They will be in position to help and guide the other most unfortunate HIV positive people.
They become a sign of inspiration and role model to others.
They will prove that nothing is impossible if they have a strong will.
9: Cost:
Total Capital cost
3,0 7,000
Total Recurring operational cost 15,09,000 25,150
Total Personal Cost 4,32,000 7,200
Total Budget cost 22,48,000 37,467
10. Bank details.
Name of the Owner: Raja Foundation Crase and Share Charitable Trust
Name of the bank: Corporation Bank ( Mumbai)
Kontonumber: 400875085300
Please sent the money to the kontonumber 9830 of the Raja Foundation Trust.
The Co-bank:
Branch Code Number: 051
Proddatur Branch
Kadapa District
Andhra Pradesh State
11. Other contributions to the Project.
No one else is supporting this project financially.
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